RANA-NJ Youth Ambassadors are Back!


Due to unforeseen family circumstances I was not able to report progress of our Ambassadors to India. I am so excited to report that the trip was a huge success. Kudos to all those that facilitated the program and made it a success. Below is a recent message I received from Ambassador Roshni Padhiar

“Hello Manu Uncle and the RANA NJ Chapter Team,

As I have returned back to America from the first Youth Ambassador Trip sponsored by RANA, I thought I would let you know how it went. We were so kindly hosted by Smriti Singh and her family with such hospitality during our stay in Jaipur. I never expected to be taken care of so well while embarking this journey. We had hot home-cooked meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday at her home. Everything was absolutely wonderful. We also stayed at Mukesh Uncle’s dad’s home in Jodhpur from which we also got to visit a Rajput school he taught at, the Chopasani School. Both hosts were very kind and generous while opening their homes for us to stay at. I think that is something RANA could be commended for; being able to keep and make these connections with friends and family members in different countries is a wonderful thing.

While in Jaipur, we got to visit the kids homes, and there will be a final video that we will have for everyone to view at the upcoming convention; however, I thought I would add a little personal summary of my experience.

Meeting the kids was an incredible experience, they were all so kind and inviting with open arms and smiles. There are currently 33 boys and 16 girls at the two care homes at Faith Sansthan. Meeting them all was wonderful and being able to spend the time that I did with them, I would never want to trade. The kids’ ages range from about 5 years to full adults, some working as staff. When you first meet the kids, you don’t think that they are living with and fighting a disease. They just seem so happy and I think it is incredible that they are given a chance to be able to have a normal childhood and household to live in. Within the care homes they are given shelter, nutritional food, medication that they need, an education and schooling, clothing, etc. It really puts into perspective what we take for granted, and how much value such things hold. Getting to know a few of the kids and going to the doctors with them really impacted me personally. Since I aspire to work with kids in the medical field, it was interesting to see the different types of hospitals in India, as well as it attached me to the children because I wanted them to get the treatment they deserved which Smriti Ji rightfully makes sure they do. I think one down side was not being able to spend enough time with the kids, but then again, maybe there isn’t ever enough time. I definitely would love to visit the kids again, and help out as much as i can as well. I think this is hands down the best and most meaningful participation I have taken that is a part of RANA. I definitely think it should continue, and hope future youth will take interest in it.

Thank You RANA for giving me this opportunity.

Roshni N. Padhiar”

More information to follow soon regarding our Ambassadors and the Convention. See you at the Convention.

Rajiv Singh (Manu)
NJ Chapter President

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