Benefits Of Alcohol-Free Lifestyle Lantana Recovery: Addiction Treatment Rehab Center

This is a great asset to those struggling with their own personal battles. Our quarterly newsletter reminds you that others have gone down this path and can provide valuable support. No matter where on your journey – considering sobriety, living sober for years or months already – our newsletter is here as a guide with helpful resources, events, and more. One of  the benefits of a drug free lifestyle is the opportunity to to save money that will enable you to live a better life. If you save your money and invest it wisely instead of spending it on drugs, you will begin to see the financial benefits of sobriety. By not using drugs and alcohol, you are also much more likely to remain employed and, therefore, gain financial freedom.

Alco­hol also affects the way your cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem func­tions. Ini­tial­ly, it can slow your breath­ing and low­er your heart rate and blood pres­sure. This can leave you feel­ing drowsy and can cause you to fall asleep quick­ly.

Substance-Free Housing at UC Berkeley

Being sober enough to put your PJs on might not sound like a big deal, but it sure feels good in the morning. Or that book idea you’ve told everyone about, at least a hundred times? When you take action and cut out alcohol (a willpower-sapping, confidence-destroying, time-sucking drug) you set off a whole chain of events. Taking a break from alcohol will force you to shake things up and act a little differently from the masses. But once you’ve done one brave thing, who knows what you’ll do next?

what are the benefits of living an alcohol and drug free lifestyle

My social calendar is full of fun alcohol-free activities and events. I have friends that still drink alcohol and I have new friends that don’t. Getting sober was a lonely journey at first, but finding community has made all the difference. As a sobriety coach, I often notice my clients experience positive career changes as they cut out drinking. With greater energy and productivity levels, they’re able to reach new career heights.

DayQuil And Alcohol: A Dangerous Combination?

The company you keep and whether other people drink alcohol around you will also affect your drinking habits. Being alcohol-free is a long journey and keeping the company of like-minded people will make it a success. It is totally understandable that sometimes it is just possible to avoid being around people who are drinking alcohol for various reasons. What you can do in such a situation is to find a substitute drink that you can access at that time or carry it with you just in case you have such an encounter. When you have your own drink, it will keep people from offering you alcohol and also keep you from having the urge to get something to drink.

  • Total abstinence may be the goal, but the reality is that setbacks are common.
  • Once you do return to work, it’s important to create a budget and take steps to safeguard yourself as work stress can be a relapse trigger.
  • If you save your money and invest it wisely instead of spending it on drugs, you will begin to see the financial benefits of sobriety.
  • And even if your symptoms are mild, consider getting help to make you more comfortable.
  • What factors (people/places/feelings/activities) were related to your drinking or wanting to drink?

I credit my sobriety for my ability to start my own business, and it was the best career decision of my life. Deciding to quit drugs and alcohol presents the opportunity to clear your conscience and make amends with those you have wronged. Although it may seem easier to be high and avoid confrontation of any sort, facing the consequences of your actions head-on will allow for you to move forward in your life positively. When you focus on making amends as opposed to avoiding the problem, you can begin to repair relationships you may have ruined while using.

Keys to Going Alcohol-Free

This will help you excel in your workplace environment and allow you to pursue whatever career path you are interested in. If you’re not into support groups, then you can take advantage of the rapidly growing alcohol-free support community on Instagram. You can search terms like #alcoholfree, #soberlife, benefits of living an alcohol and drug free lifestyle or #addictionrecovery to find accounts that offer motivational posts, alcohol-free lifestyle ideas, and emotional support. There’s a useful online screening tool that can help you assess withdrawal symptoms and track them over time, but it’s not a substitute for a professional evaluation.

  • How­ev­er, your sero­tonin lev­els quick­ly return to nor­mal lev­els, which could lead to feel­ings of depres­sion.
  • That way, social interaction is still underway, but without drinking.
  • Regardless of your reasons for going alcohol-free, you’re likely to have urges or cravings at some point.

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