Holi Recap And Pictures

We had a memorable kickoff to the New Year of RANA NJ Chapter activity with the Holi Samroh. Compliments of General Secretary Jay Gohil, Pictures are up at http://www.rana-nj.org/2017-holi-rana/
For fundraising, a beautiful Calendar memorializing accomplished Rajputs was distributed to all attendees of the Holi Celebration. This was a brilliant idea of Naivedya and Anupriya Sengar. We hope this will be an annual tradition of RANA NJ Chapter. Fundraising Secretary Rajendrsinh Vaghela did an awesome job with fundraising for this event.

The evening started out with the Aarti led by many of the senior members of our Chapter. We were blessed by the attendance of elders, Dr. Jaswant Singh, Dhiraj Uncle, Bhanubha Auntiji, Rathod Uncle, Dr. Nagendra Nath Singh, Asha Auntiji Rajesh Uncle, JB and Pushpa Singh.

Our new Chapter President, Dilipsinh Rathore was introduced. He made a heartwarming welcome and introduced the new members of the NJ Chapter Executive committee. He described details of forthcoming events such as Camping, Diwali, Gandhi Community Service day and New Years Bash.

The MC for the festivities was talented Raghu Singh and the wonderful entertainment was Organized by Cultural Secretary Minaxi Singh. We were treated by our Youth dancing, singing and singers Vijaya Singh and Raghu.
A whopping 10 New Members were introduced and they all made a brief statement. Perhaps this is the largest number of new members attending a RANA NJ gathering. A wonderful achievement by new membership secretary Mukesh Mahida.
Naivedya Sengar described the exciting RANA NJ Youth Ambassador Program. More information will be forthcoming.

Republican Gubernatorial Hirsh Vardhan Singh made a moving appeal for support. Many RANA members stepped up and enthusiastically voiced their support for Hirsh.
The night was capped off with group dancing and garbha to the tunes played by the fabulous DJ.

All in all, a wonderful event. It could not have been possible without the participation of our members. Thank you for your support.

A sign of great times ahead for the RANA NJ Chapter. Stay tuned for upcoming events!
NJ Chapter Committee

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